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Happy adult woman relaxing in the sofa at home

What People Are Saying

Customer Reviews

Our customers love the amazing benefits they get from their Air Purifies. Don’t take our word for it, see what they’ve said about their experience!

“These machines are awesome! If you want fresh air in your body this is the way to get it!”

— Jamie Walker

“My purifier is amazing! It helps me sleep at night, so I can wake up refreshed! I like to use it with eucalyptus oil. Best of all, it was free!”

— Makayla Miller

“I love the light and how relaxing it is to watch.”

— Dylan

“I love that it smells and feels clean because it actually is cleaner!”

— Shalice Peterson

“Brad and his company are doing an honest service, thank you for your time and consideration.”

— Forrest

“I love how this machine uses water as it naturally releases negative ions.”

— Ian Ludeman

“These purifiers are great, all the scents are amazing.”

— Joanna

“My home smells and feels so good. This thing is amazing!!!”

— Tera

“We are amazed and excited by our new purifier! We are looking forward to cleaner air and a healthier family!! Patti was super awesome!!”

— Michele Southworth

“I love the air purifier and the scents you can put in them.”

— Katie

“The air purifier is great!! I’m amazed at how long it lasts and have noticed a difference when we use it in our home!”

— Shelly

“My air is already cleaner and so much fresher!!!! Love ittttt!!!”

— Victoria Stout

“I have a car purifier in my cup hold it’s helped me stay awake on trips back to Arizona and it smells so much better!”

— Zac Jarvis

“I’m really impressed with how easy it is to get clean air. Plug it in, use clean purified water and you get clean purified air. Brad made it so easy to use and understand.”

— Aaron

“Brad showed us how amazing this air purifier is. You can breathe the difference in the air in literal seconds after he shows you the product. Thank you!!”

— Jacquel

“I am under a really good impression of the products. I will definitely recommend them to my friends and family.”

— Vasyl

“I was so impressed. Our air feels cleaner and feels so fresh and fantastic!”

— Jessica Oxborrow

“These machines are awesome! If you want fresh air in your body this is the way to get it!”

— Jamie Walker

“The air purifier was great to watch.”

— Jakob Nielsen

“The air purifier has been amazing. We love the features and my kids have loved having it as a nightlight while sleeping.”

— Jessica

“I never thought about how much dust there is in the air in my home. I can definitely see the benefits of it.”

— Sam Dahl

“It was impressive to smell the clean air right away! It was wonderful getting more knowledge on clean air. Hopefully, we don’t get sick as much. Great products!”

— Erica Arguello

“I was curious to see how this was different from other filters on the market and boy was I astonished by the difference, you could literally feel the difference in the air and the air cleaner’s ability is fantastic.”

— Tristen Brinkerhoff

“We liked seeing what the air filter cleaned up. It was nice to learn about the technology and we appreciate the free air purifier.”

— Candace Carlisle

“The purifier is wonderful and we are excited to try it out with our oils. It immediately made the room feel more breathable. Such cool technology, and loved hearing about the science behind it all. Definitely a fan of this company.”

— Whitney Wagner

“The guy was awesome! The product is really nice. Looks cool. And now my house smells delicious!”

— Stephanie

“Brad came to my home. He is very nice, thoughtful, also just easy and relaxed. Which in turn made me feel I could ask the questions I needed to get to know the products well enough to make a informed decision. Just because of his nature it was fun and informative. The products amazed me and are definitely still on my mind!!”

— Annalisa Thomas

“Brad was very awesome! His presentation brought a lot attention in our home, due to our home having a dog and two young kids. Brad was very understanding and family friendly and helped us understand how the air purifiers worked.”

— Wendall

“Great product and Brad was so knowledgeable and great to work with. Thank you so much.”

— Lauren

“Brad came in to show me this cool air cleaner and ya know he was very personable and kind not pushy at all I really appreciated him.”

— Lauren Gibler

“Unique and wonderful product. The presentation was great – No pressure and to the point.”

— Karl

“Wow. What an awesome product. Brad was personable, polite and had a no pressure approach. The product speaks for itself.”

— Stephanie and Gene

“Brad did an incredible job with his presentation. Very knowledgeable of the product and very friendly. Very professional and just an all around great guy.”

— Brayden

“Brad was great! He was very easy to talk to! Very informative and knows what he is talking about. 10/10 would recommend Brad to talk to anyone close to me!”

— Nick

“Brad was the best!! Very informative and answered all of our questions. Who would’ve known a free purifier visit would’ve turned into an amazing purchase we were genuinely excited to make! We recommend Brad to anyone looking to better their life through air purification. You will definitely be receiving referrals from us!”

— Adam & Makayle James

“Brad was very professional and still easy going with a no pressure approach and very friendly. The information was great and I love these products.”

— Laura Bastian

“Wow! I am blown away at how legitimate this product is! So thankful for Brad and his knowledge and kindness in spending time with us! I didn’t expect it to be as amazing as it is. The fragrances are all delicious smelling and leave the clean feeling that everyone wants!”

— Hannah K.

“Brad was professional the entire evening. Not pushy and explained things multiple times when I had doubts or questions.”

— Blacky

“Loved it it was amazing”

— Kelli Veamatahau

“Love it so much Get one for you, you won’t regret it. Fresh and New The demo was awesome “

— Salome Vainuku Tupou

“An awesome product. I have extremely bad allergies, and the demonstration Brad gave me caused me to breathe better in less than 10 minutes. I am very thankful for Brad’s professional attitude and how well the air purifier works, it has great qualities for everyone. I recommend it for everyone.”

— Dana

“Had an amazing demo with Patty she is so amazing, was extremely detailed by the end of it she had me wanting everything, I love my air purifier gift it’s leaving my house smelling so fresh! She is definitely your go-to gal! (:”

— Shania Lowther

“Really like how it has more than one function!”

— Sam

“I love the ability to add a smell and it envelopes my room within mins!! Great Demo! Thank you for sharing!”

— Sarah Steed

“Definitely enjoyed this demonstration. Pretty super interesting and the product seems well worth consideration. Thanks for sharing, let your friends come show you the air cleaner. Totally cool.”

— Kris R

“Brad was so amazing to us! He knew the in and out of all the products he showed us. Great attitude and so easy to talk to. I completely recommend him to anyone!!”

— Holly Pound

“We had the rep come over and he was super friendly and had me convinced that we needed to have the cleaner. We’re happy with the free cleaner that comes with listening to the demo.”

— Vance Oxborrow

“I was impressed by the air cleaner. We received a free air purifier and I really like it.”

— Anabel Reyes

“Brad was able to come within a day of being referred to me. I am a big clean freak so seeing all the dirt and grime in the air, I was mind blown. What was really nice is there was no pressure at all. It was a light and nice interaction and experience. There was nothing to lose and everything to gain. I was compensated for my time with some free air cleaning, and they have a great referral program. I would recommend at LEAST going over the demo to anyone and everyone. The product is truly amazing. Thanks, Brad!”

— Whitney

“We love our air purifier. It freshens our room and look forward to experiencing the difference it will make in our rooms. We love the addition of light. Thank you, Tanee for your enthusiasm, kindness, and professional manner of your demonstration.”

— Kay

“Excited about our air purifier! Impressed with how much dust it picks up! Brad was absolutely great!!”

— Lang

“Brad was so great! Not pushy, and was very patient with my 3 kiddos and puppy.”

— Lacie H

“Brad was a great personality that sold us the product and himself! We had a fun time learning and growing more enthusiastic about the air purifier!”

— Steven Garrett

“Brad was an incredibly professional salesman. On-time, no pressure, only kept the presentation going when we asked him questions. The free air purifier was a nice perk and should be very useful in the nursery.”

— Brandon Jenkins

“Brad was amazing! He gave us all the information we needed and did not pressure us at all! We were really unsure of this product until he demonstrated it and let the machine do all the work!”

— Patrick Watkins

“We thoroughly enjoyed our time and demonstration with Brad. Very friendly and informative. I love how the purifier doubles with aromatherapy.”

— Harley

“We just took delivery of our SRX unit and we are extremely impressed. Brad was very knowledgeable and thorough in demonstrating the product. He answered all of our questions and we felt absolutely no pressure to buy. I recommend him and this product 100%.”

— Matt Tilton

“My salesman, Mufat Nuts, was the nicest guy I’ve ever met! Nicer than my son; maybe I should disown him and adopt Mufat haha Seriously though, the quality of the air purifier is perfectly matched for it’s price (0 cents because it was free haha) Thanks again Mufat, I loved your demo!!”

— Joe Henway

“Brad did an excellent job showing me the air cleaner. I found that his presentation was informative and he definitely understood and knew the product. The demonstration was great.”

— Matt Gibler

“I loved that it can vacuum my deep pile rugs! I love the improvement in air quality in the master suite. I love the ability to clean pet stains I was amazed at the ability to clean my bed and pillows. Not to mention in using the eucalyptus into them. We are super pleased with this product.”

— Toni Sistrunk

“They were amazing!! It felt like 30 minutes, it was fun and enjoyable. I’m very excited to use the product and they were very informative.”

— Jordyn Weese

“I absolutely love the vacuum. When it cleans, it really cleans! It doesn’t kick the dust back out into the air. It smells like a fresh rainstorm, and you can even use essential oils!”

— Kiercy Lines

“The cleaning power and degree is unparalleled compared to any other vacuum I’ve seen. The added bonus of being able to put a scent or fragrance into the water as well just puts it over the top. Kaley was knowledgeable and a treat to have demo this product for us as well!”

— Taylor Hundley

“I love how my purifier helps me sleep at night. I use eucalyptus essential oil in it! I feel like I have a spa in my room! It’s amazing!”

— Darleene Gardner

“Not only does our home smell fresher it feels cleaner. Already allergies symptoms have reduced. No one even knew I had just fried a pound of bacon! Breathing easy!!”

— Sharon Louise Kay

“I love the blue light. It makes it so relaxing to watch.”

— Jenny

“I am IN LOVE with this air purifier and air cleaner! I felt an immediate difference in the air! Thank you, Brad!”

— Taylor Christiansen

“This air purifier makes great white noise and does a great job diffusing essential oils into our large room. We’re excited to have it!”

— Kjersty

“Amazing little machines. Love the freshness and clean smell created by them.”

— Hector S.

“Really excited to use this purifier for my son who has trouble sleeping. Patty did a great job and is very friendly and personable. Thank you for the education and good time.”

— Timothy Whalen

“The free purifier is great and the rep was so nice!”

— Desi M

“The air purifier is amazing!!! The smell is perfect . And the light is such a cool ambient light.”

— Joshua Westover

“These machines are amazing. My grandkids are already breathing better with their asthma. Brad and this company are doing a great service.”

— Jami Gonzales

“We love our air purifier. It helps keep our home clean and fresh. The air smells really nice with scented oils we can use. I highly recommend it.”

— Edel

“I love the quality of the air cleaner. My boys love to run the air cleaner now!”

— Tasha Anderson

“I’ve worked currency options on wall st and sold used cars in Queens and I’ve NEVER been sold 17 mins into the presentation! That’s how great the product and both Kali and Brad are. Thank you so much!”

— Alexander Warjabedian

“One word. Three syllables. AMAZING! That’s all I can say. My mind was blown and the air was cleaned. 10/10 recommend this product—does wonders for your mental AND physical health.”

— Morgan Henderson

“The ice cube trick to cool the room. Was a bonus for us to help keep our air clean and cool.”

— Lauren Harrison

“Great product. Works wonders.”

— Cynthia Vandermeiden

“We have 2 of these now and we love them! We have a swamp cooler and we have to keep it running 24/7 so we don’t melt in our house but it has a slight smell that lingers even when we turn it off. After having these, the smell is gone! We put one in our 4-week old baby’s room and she slept so much better. It’s also a convenient white noise machine too. Lol.”

— Andres Diaz

“Patty Miller did a great job showing us the air purifier! It is a great machine and will eliminate having plug-in air fresheners. Saving money!”

— Scott Asplund

“Our presenter was knowledgeable and the fresh feel in the air was very enjoyable. I like the feel of the room after it ran for just a few minutes.”

— Randa Dahl

“I love that I can trust this to keep the air clean in my home with my son’s asthma.”

— Sam Buttars

“We love knowing that we are cleaning the air that our kids are going to be breathing, helping us to be healthier and stronger.”

— Lyndsie

“We love the purifier and how the air feels so much cleaner! My baby loves to have it in his room and it makes him nap so much better in his room at night! I will definitely be getting more!”

— Destinee Murray

“I really liked the presentation. Brad was not pushy at all. Good products sell themselves and don’t need anyone talking you into it. We plan on buying the air filter once we have the money saved up.”

— Jed N.

“Robbie and Jaqueline were so informative and professional. They really knew their stuff and were so personable. They focused on solutions that would benefit us and were not pushy. I would recommend anyone to sit down with them.”

— Tyler N.

“The rep was amazing! Very patient with all of our questions about the product and very personable. He was able to explain and show us how amazing this purifier is!”

— Abril Casanova

“My wife told me they were coming over to present an air cleaner and it seemed like awesome technology! Sadly, we are poor students and can’t afford it, but will think about it when we can. The air purifier they gave us immediately made the room feel better. The person who gave the presentation was very kind!”

— Joseph Richardson

“We LOVED the air purifier! It sucked in things we didn’t know existed.”

— Nicole

“Stefanie and Mark we’re so much fun and energetic. They were so helpful and informative!”

— Keith Tovar

“Brad was very professional and presented the product very well.”

— Candyce

“Kim was absolutely amazing. Extremely thorough & went above & beyond my expectations. So nice & so informative.”

— Dakota Walker

“Great presentation, great machine. Brad is very well at explaining everything.”

— Jona Sep

“We loved meeting with Brad! He was very professional, and intelligent. We love the product and are excited to start using it!”

— Kamee Monroe

“We had such a great time with the presentation! We loved seeing all of the amazing changes that happened in a matter of seconds, and were so amazed. We can’t wait to use our air ourifier and air cleaner!”

— Rachel

“Brad did an awesome job. He was super approachable and personable. He didn’t pressure us and we love learning from him!”

— Jenna

“Jacquelin and Robbie were amazing! They were so friendly and very thorough, took their time and answered all of our questions! I actually learned quite alot tonight! We had alot of fun! Thanks you guys!!”

— Kallie Scoggan

“Brad was so humble and professional. He had so much information to share and literally blew my mind! I love having the freshest air in my home for me and my family!”

— Andrea

“I loved learning all about clean air in our homes. And learning about the neat ways we can clean the air with their air purifiers.”

— Brylie Robinson

“Brad was friendly and honest, very down to earth. He didn’t pressure us at all. We love our new products!”

— Erin Lavery

“Stefanie was great at showing us the air cleaner and explaining out it works. She also educated us on the health concerns woth dust in the home. The free air purifier is a definite bonus!”

— Dan

“Watching our awesome demo right now!! Jarrett is awesome!!”

— Melissa Sue Ducker

“I forgot to say my purifier was absolutely Free! You don’t have to buy anything!!! Just watch the demo.”

— Darleene Madison

“I love how easy it is to watch a demonstration and get a free $200 air purifier. Brad made it so easy without any sales gimmicks or having to be pushed into buying something.”

— B.

“Patty did an awesome demo, showed us all the great resources, and wanting much more our awesome air purifier is so refreshing!”

— Dalton Lowther

“I love the product! The rep was very professional and detailed about the info and demo. The purifier left a noticeable difference after only 10 minutes.”

— Kim

“This is the first demo that I actually had a lot of fun with! Brad made sure our needs were met and helped us find a solution that fit us. Nothing pushy, not rushed. Felt like friends hanging out and helping each other out!”

— Kaitlyn Larsen

“You my guy brad the best really killed his demo with me and my fiancé, even waited for me to get home to show me love it really helped us out.”

— Chris Owens

“This is an impressive air purifier. The demonstration was clear and informative and Brad was great.”

— Trish Butala

“The purifier is awesome! The rep made the presentation interesting and engaging and he wasn’t pushy in the slightest. He is very knowledgeable as well.”

— Freddy

“Very excellent presentor , curtteuos , friendly excellent product , we just love it but its not a good timing for us …. We just hope we cam afford it in the near future …. Thank so much for the gifts.”


“We were referred by a friend who knew we have a lot of allergies and we were really impressed by the product and Kali’s demonstration. She did excellently and we are happy with our decision to purchase and thankful for her to do everything she could to give us the best deal!”

— Nieka

“Brad was absolutely amazing!”

— Clayton Halford

“We did the demo and I am already in love! We are super excited to have our air purifier and our air cleaner! Deep cleaning the air from top to bottom, here I come!”

— Jacquelin

“Brad gave a great presentation on the R2. Our young kids even stayed entertained the whole time! And thanks for the free air filter!!”

— Curtis Carlisle

“James did an excellent job demonstrating how the air purifier and air cleaner works! the purifier makes a difference in the ambiance of the room. Also, the cleaner is freaking amazing.”

— Megan G.

“We really enjoyed Brad coming to snow and teach us. When my daughter walked into the room she exclaimed “It smells so good in here!” the air purifier had only been on for 5 mins. The cleaner was amazing. It picked up all sorts of dirt and grime. The vacuum suction was awesome. It sucked, literally!”

— Olympia

“Jacqueline and Robbie were great! Very professional, friendly, and informative. Demo was cool and eye-opening!”

— Sarah Clawson

“Amazing machine! I never realized how much filth I was living under. Like the feature of more quality air in my home.”

— Cal Sistrunk

“We absolutely loved the demo the products. And very simple to use and a great way to have cleaner air. Jacquelin and Robbie did awesome! We loved learning about how we can make our indoor air better for our health.”

— Elyssa and Etenfa

“We had an awesome meeting with the McGrews! They took such good care of us and didn’t pressure us on anything. We loved our experience and demonstration!”

— Madisen Tyler

“Brad gave a great demo. We needed a new vacuum but were hesitating because we didn’t fully like anything else we had seen. We are getting so much value for our money with this vacuum. Mostly we got it for the air cleaning, though!”

— Nikki N.

“Kaley Schultz was very informative and explain In good detail. She vacuum whole front room. For the demo. Showed all the tools and attachments to use and she was awesome.”

— Shyann Hundley

“I love love love how quickly you can see and smell the difference. It brings immediate results. I thought my vacuums were doing a good job until I used this vacuum.”

— Devin

Experience Purified Air

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